Making decisions on an organisational level can be extremely challenging, especially if you’re caught up in the everyday grind. Sometimes you simply don’t see the forest for all the trees, and that’s why we’re very much looking forward to setting up an executive board for!

As a registered socio-economic company, we can install a board that supervises the general direction that is taking, and this is the next big step to take: Establish a board that helps to guide and support the directors in prioritizing daily activities and share part of the weight that comes with running an organization of the new era.

In order to keep the decision making manageable, we decided to limit the size of the board to 5 members, who will define the future path of

We want to make sure that the right options for our future development will be prioritized, and that the successful realization of those options is ensured – in a way that also includes the interests of our growing community. This is also why our statutes requires, that 40% of the board members are elected by our members.

We therefore called for people to express their interest in being part of this board at our big community meeting, and until this point 7 people expressed their interest. If you are interested as well, you have until Friday (5.4.2019) to send us a short description of you, your motivation & expertise so we can share it with our members.

Questions? We've got you covered:

What are the election rules?

3 board members will be appointed by owners (while no single owner has the ability to overrule the others), and 2 board members will be appointed by our members. Each member has one vote, and the (online) voting will be held next week.

What responsibility comes with it?

It is the task of the Board to ensure that the company is operated in a proper manner so that the company's purpose is fulfilled, by:

  • Selecting the directors who are in charge of daily business
  • Defining priority activities inside that ensure survival (e.g. future projects)
  • Providing guidelines for the directors’ work and guiding the directors on important decisions
  • Making decisions of an extraordinary nature and of great importance to the company
  • Ensuring proper asset management and compliance with the statutory requirements for bookkeeping
  • Monitoring and sign off on financial activities
  • Showing up to the meetings about 4 times a year (probably more in the beginning)

If the board fails to bring on the right (financially sustainable) course, the consequence would be that we will have to shut down, but none of the board members will be privately liable.

When is the first general assembly?

The general assembly of our board will be announced as soon as the members of the board are elected. We want to have this as soon as possible, but need to know who the candidates will be first. We are aiming to find a date as soon as possible, definitely before the end of April!

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us! And if you know of anyone who could be interested and would be a great addition to our supervisory board, please share this post with them ;)

Insistently hopeful,

Anja & Martin