The Event

(English below)

Planeten er i økologisk krise: vi er midt i den sjette masseudryddelse i jordens historie. Forskerne mener, at vi er gået ind i en periode med pludseligt nedbrud af klimaet. Dette er en nødsituation.

På mødet vil talere fra Extinction Rebellion Denmark dele det sidste nye vedrørende klima forskning om hvor vores planet er på vej hen. Der vil blive diskuteret nogle psykologiske aspekter vedrørende klimaforandringer og forslag til løsning ved at studere sociale bevægelser.

Alle er velkomne og der vil være tid til spørgsmål og diskussion efterfølgende. Gratis adgang. Bemærk at begivenheden vil foregå på engelsk.


The planet is in an ecological crisis: we are in the middle of the 6th mass extinction on earth. The scientists believe we are in a period where we can face sudden climate- and ecological breakdown. This is an emergency!

In this talk you will hear speakers from Extinction Rebellion Denmark share the latest news about climate research. There will also be discussed some psychological aspects about the climate- and ecological crisis and suggestions about how to solve it through the studies of social movements.

Everyone is welcome and there will be time for questions and discussion afterwards.

About Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion is a way to rebel for life with a regenerative culture. The movement is made up of citizens from all walks of life who all believe it is their duty to act now in the fight against climate change.

Registration and Details

This event is free for everyone, no registration needed. always welcome's donations to support the Center and are continuously looking for new members. Curious? then you can read this post on why to be a member