Hvad er ekstatisk dans?

(English below)

Se denne video fra "The School of Life"

Har du bemærket, at mange fester generelt drejer sig om alkohol, stoffer, Instagram-historier eller at score? Vi gjorde. Og vi kunne ikke lide det. Vores intention var at finde en begivenhed, der inkorporerer forskellige værdier. Vi ønskede virkelig at finde et rum, hvor vi kunne nyde god musik, droppe de sociale masker og bare danse frit. Vi havde ikke lyst til at indtage alkohol eller stoffer skulle være en nødvendig del af denne oplevelse. Vi havde ikke lyst til at tage en flok snapchats tilføjer stemningen, men snarere tager det væk. Vi længtes efter et bevidst rum uden dogmer og forventninger. Vi var nødt til at rejse verden rundt for at opdage, at disse rum findes, og vi elskede virkelig begrebet ekstatisk dans. Nu bringer vi det til dig. Fordi vi ved, at der måske er nogen derude, ligesom os, der virkelig sætter pris på følelsen af ​​flow og lethed, som er en væsentlig del af ekstatiske dansebegivenheder rundt om i verden.

Derfor inviterer Ecstatic Dance Denmark dig til at berige dine aftener med god musik og selvudfoldelse. Vores mål er at skabe et rum, hvor du kan føle dig sikker nok til at udfolde din indre kreative gnist og oprette forbindelse til din krop, sind og hjerte gennem musikkens rytmer og harmonier. Det handler om at lære at tillade dig at være autentisk og grundlagt i din egen indre sandhed, samtidig med at du er tilpasset og respekterer grænserne for menneskerne omkring dig. Vi opfordrer dig til at undersøge, hvad forbindelse betyder for dig i et bestemt øjeblik. Måske er det ene øjeblik fokuseret på at oprette forbindelse til dig selv, og det næste øjeblik sigter du mod at oprette forbindelse til en anden. Der er ikke noget rigtigt eller forkert. Det er bare en udforskning ledsaget af musik, bevægelse og synkronicitet! Dette er en chance for at vende tilbage til den frihed og lethed, vi oplevede som børn. Det er en fejring af vores menneskehed.

Selvom dette kaldes en ekstatisk DANS, er du helt fri til at nyde musikken og oplevelsen på enhver måde, der føles godt for dig i øjeblikket. Dette kan se ud som om du danser som ingen ser eller bare nyder øjeblikket i en meditativ tilstand. Måske har du lyst til at komme i kontaktforbedring med en fremmed eller en ven, eller måske vil du lave vognhjul og håndstand midt på dansegulvet. Alt er muligt, hvis du bare følger din glæde og et par retningslinjer, der er skabt for at sikre din sikkerhed og harmonien i begivenheden!

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Ekstatisk dans Danmark
Ecstatic Dance Denmark Community

What is Ecstatic Dance?

Check out this great video made by "The School of Life"

Have you noticed that a lot of parties these days revolve around alcohol, drugs, Instagram stories or picking up dates. We did. And we did not like it. Our intention was to find an event which embodies different values. We truly wished to find a space where we could enjoy fine tunes, drop the social masks and just dance freely. We didn't feel like consuming alcohol or certain substances is a necessary part of this experience. We didn't feel like taking a bunch of snapchats adds to the vibe, but rather takes away from it. We craved for a conscious space, free of dogma and expectations. We had to travel the world to discover that those spaces DO exist and we truly loved the concept of Ecstatic Dance. Now we are bringing it to YOU. Because we know there might be someone out there, just like us, that would really appreciate the feeling of flow and ease, which is an essential part of ecstatic dance events around the globe.

Therefore, we invite you to enrich your evenings with good music and self-expression. Our goal is to create a space where you can feel safe enough to unfold your inner creative spark and connect to your body, mind and heart, through the rhythms and harmonies of music. It is about learning to allow yourself to be authentic and grounded in your own inner truth, while simultaneously being attuned and respecting the boundaries of the people around you. We encourage you to explore what connection means to you in any particular moment. Perhaps one moment you are focused on connecting to yourself and the next moment you are aiming towards connecting to someone else. There is no right or wrong. It is just an exploration, accompanied by music, movement and synchronicity! This is a chance to return to the freedom and ease we experienced as children. It is a celebration of our humanity.

Even though this is called an Ecstatic DANCE, you are absolutely free to enjoy the music and the experience in any way that feels good to you in the moment. This might look like you are dancing like nobody's watching or simply enjoying the moment in a meditative state. Perhaps you feel like doing contact improv with a stranger or a friend or maybe you want to do cartwheels and handstands in the middle of the dance floor. Everything is possible if you just follow your joy and a few guidelines, created to ensure your safety and the harmony of the event!


  • No alcohol or drugs.
  • No electronics.
  • No talking on the dance floor.
  • No shoes.
  • Respect each other's boundaries. No touching except if clear consent is given.

►Wear comfortable clothing, so you can move freely.
►Please arrive on time, as the door closes at the start of the event.
►Be aware that there is limited amount of tickets, due to COVID-19 regulations.

The Hosts

Music: (Monohorn)

Byron Dane is a DJ, producer and musician with a wide array of sources for musical inspiration. He will take you on a personal journey through tribal and ethnic beats and atmospheric electronic soundscapes. Expect an assortment of deep soothing melodies and a variety of energetic pulsating rhythms.

Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram: @_byrondane_

Facilitator: (Authentic Element)

Anelia Mitova is the founder of "Authentic Element". She is based in Copenhagen, but works with people from all walks of life and from all corners of the globe. Her aim is to connect you to your truth! It is about gently puzzling together the different elements that comprise you as the gorgeous human being that you are. She is passionate about developing your health and well-being in a holistic way, through embracing your inner voice. We have been taught to suppress our intuition and rather follow someone else’s idea of what we are supposed to be, think, feel, eat, dress, watch… and it goes on. Her approach will not be about telling you what is the RIGHT or WRONG way, as she is well aware that there is no such thing – we are all different and there is inherent beauty in that! She yearns to connect you to your own inner guidance. You are the creator of your experience. Anelia wants to empower you to make choices which resonate with your AUTHENTIC TRUTH! She accomplishes that, by facilitating various techniques which focus on emotional integration, energy healing, shamanic ceremonies, ecstatic dancing, plant-based nutrition and others. You can read more about her or contact her through these channels:

Website, Facebook, Instagram: @authentic.element, Email: info@authenticelement.com

We look forward to journeying with you!
Anelia and Byron

Resources, so you can always be updated on future events:


Payments can be made through MobilePay 60872777, cash or Billetto.

  • Early-Bird: 95dkk (limited amount)
  • Standard: 150,- DKK, 50% discount for members (75dkk)

Want to become a part of the changer community, support our cause and get free/discounted access to the awesome events we're hosting? Then sign up here – a Changer membership is 100,- DKK per month, and if its not for you then the membership can be stopped after each month ;)


Following the security guidelines issued by the Danish Government, please do not attend if you are exhibiting any corona virus related symptoms. In that case, please pass your ticket on to someone else. The maximum number of attendees is 50, in order to limit any transmission.