Every month all the regular event hosts and anyone else interested in events at think.dk have a get- together during the Friday Bar: Big Talk.

The get-together begins by having the regular event hosts hear from others who would like to start having regular events at think.dk. After hearing about the proposed events, they then decide on whether or not they believe the proposed event should be a regular event and once deciding, let think.dk know about their decision. It is of course important that the new host agrees and follows the conditions for having and event at think.dk.

After hearing new requests the group then uses the remaining time to connect, share about their events, potentially create new collaborations or simply give advice to each other on how to improve their event and tasks related to their events.

Everyone is welcome to join whether you’re just curious about the events happening at think.dk, how the set up works, are considering maybe having an event at think.dk and the regular think.dk event hosts are asked to show up regularly.


  • 17:30 - 18:00 Onboard and Pitch/vote for hosts that would like to have regular events at think.dk
  • 18:00 - 18:30 Connect and help each other out

For those who are simply interested in having a one time event, or would like to know more about hosting events at think.dk you can check out this link or write to events@think.dk