Does this apply to you:
Do you want to become a better dater that sets up quality dates?
Do you wonder how to approach a woman you like?
Do you have difficulties with the texting game before or after dates?
Did she not reply to you?
Do you feel that your girlfriend and you are drifting slowly apart?
About the event
Unique opportunity to take part of the knowledge from a datingcoach that would normally take 1 on 1 clients only.
The goal with these workshops is improve your understanding of romantic attraction, whether you seek to improve your flirting, dating or your relationship skills. It is your birthright to have people around you that excite you and are excited by you. I will help you build intimacy that lasts and give you more romantic options. I want you to become a stronger man for the women out there in Copenhagen.
DatingCoach Thierry Dufour offers insight on the dynamic between Masculine and Feminine energy and how to translate that into become a stronger dater.
We share our stories and complement each others ideas as a part of the workshop. Let's do this!
About the Host
Thierry Dufour, 32 years of age, has finally mastered the dating and romance game. He did all the mistakes and has now read the books, took the courses but most of all practiced, practiced and practiced the ability to engage in meeting new women, seduce them and create long lasting attraction.
Registration and Details
Register at 53 65 81 13 with the message "Understanding Attraction".
Price is 150 kr. Half for think members.