(English below)
Den magiske cirkel er sted hvor en legefuld stemning og nærværende relationer opstår og udforskes.
Kom præcis som du er, med din usikkerhed, din glæde, din legesyge og dit nærvær. Bliv klogere på dig selv, og relationer, ved at møde andre på nye måder.
Hvad sker der når du ikke går i historier fra fortiden, men møder andre i nuet?
Hvad sker der når du er i øjenkontakt med nærvær?
Vi bruger circlingprincipper, relationelle øvelser, wheel of consent og playfullness til at udforske alt det ovenstående.
Den magiske cirkel bringer sjove, spændende og givende måder at møde andre på.
Vi glæder os til at se dig (i øjnene)
Bo og Jakob
Om os:
Bo har en fortid som pædagog med bevægelse og leg som speciale, og har b.la. studeret leg, spil og læringsdynamikker på Aarhus universitet. Har mange års erfaring med circling, som mandegruppe facilitator, og som meditationslærer.
Jakob har beskæftiget sig med meditation og relationelt udviklingsarbejde i knap 20 år. Er uddannet indenfor bla. coaching og relationskompetence. Har erfaring med at facilitere relationelle rum og mandegrupper.
Send sms hvis du vil med til Jakob 29827792
Spørgsmål: Jakob 29827792
Deltagelse: 150,- På mobilepay: 29827792 (Jakob)
(halv pris for medlemmer af Think.dk)
The magic circle is a room for everybody to explore playfulness, deeper connecting and conscious relating
A place to exercise your relational muscle by meeting people in new ways.
Come as you are, and bring your insecurities, your happiness, your playful inner child and your presence. Get to know yourself better through new ways of connecting with others.
What happens when you don't go into stories, but meet others in the present moment?
What happens in the eye contact with others?
We use circling principles, relational exercises and playfulness to facilitate the room.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Bo and Jakob
About the hosts:
Jakob is passionate about finding deeper connection in human meetings. He believes that the way to healthier and more fulfilling relationships, education, work and innovation is through authentic meetings. He has been working with meditation, coaching, therapy and relational dynamics for about 20 years. He is doing mens groups and is working as a coach with focus on relational dynamics. He has a background in Jungian psychology, meditation based trauma release and tantra.
Bo loves exploring what happens in deep connections and he likes to bring in playfulness in relating as a mean for not getting caught up in the narratives. Bo has a background as an movement and play educator and he has studied play, games and learning dynamics at Aarhus University. Bo has for more than 30 years been enjoying a life with meditation, yoga and Qi Gong. He has many years of experience with circling, as a men's group facilitator, and as a meditation teacher.
Registration and Details
Send a sms if you want to join to Jakob 29827792
Participation: 150, - On mobilepay: 29827792 (Jakob)
(half price for members of Think.dk)
Questions: Jacob 29827792