Find Your Flow Guest star: Sarah Gregg
About the event
Live Your Legend Copenhagen invite you to join Sarah Gregg, author of Find your Flow to discuss the science of happiness and flow.
Psychologists hail flow as the secret to happiness and it's an optimal mental state that you can control, create, and experience every day. Indeed once you learn how to master flow, your happiness will flow quickly and effortlessly as you use strategies to gain control over your life, focus on what matters most, and motivate action toward your goals and dreams. But how do you harness flow?
In her new book, Find Your Flow, Sarah Gregg reveals the worlds first journal system for flow. This powerful four-step journal system can be applied to your everyday life. All it takes is a few minutes a day to help you find your flow.
Sarah is a member of the British Psychological Society and neuro-linguistic programming practitioner and long time member of the Live Your Legend community in Copenhagen and this is her second guest appearance . You can read more about her and her new book at
// DK - Live Your Legend
Live Your Legend udspringer fra den amerikanske drøm om at skabe egen success - og at success kan defineres 100% individuelt og personligt. Et vigtigt element i at leve det gode liv er fællesskab med andre, og det leder til at vi nødvendigvis må være at gøre en positiv forskel for andre og for verden.
"We Don’t Do Things For The Money - We Believe In Everything We Do"
Live Your Legend spring from the optimism of creating your own success doing something out of passion and defining your own measure of what success is to you. Inherent in this philosophy is the thought: if you believe in doing something that matters, help enough people and make a positive difference and have an impact, the money will come.
"We Don’t Do Things For The Money - We Believe In Everything We Do"
About the Host
Anders Kring has been hosting monthly Live Your Legend Meetups in Copenhagen since april 2016.
Registration and Details
Sign up and show up
It may be life changing.
Price: 90,- or 45,- if you hold a membership. Cash or mobile pay 41 26 11 03.
For more payoff bring your journal for notes and reflections!