If you do not know what you are looking for, how can you know when you've found it? When dreaming, designing and building the life of your dreams, be careful what you wish for. In order for your life to suit you and be a personal success, you have to be conscious of what exactly works for you, as everything comes at a cost. Sometimes it is less than we fear, but nothing comes out of nothing. Focus is the key to the world. Passion is a thing in movement.
What gives you energy and joy, what kind of people inspires you and lights you up, what would you never do? Where and how do you deliver your best work? If safety and fear was not a factor, what would you do?
We are shining the light on the person whose world you are trying to put on fire, and the ressource that is going to make it all happen: YOUR OWN SELF.
About Live Your Legend
Live Your Legend springs from the optimism of creating your own success doing something out of passion and defining your own measure of what success is to you. Inherent in this philosophy is the thought that if you believe in doing something that matters, help enough people and make a positive difference, and have an impact, the money will come to you.
We believe the world would be an altogether different place if we all did work that actually mattered to us. This way of life is more possible than you think, especially when you surround yourself with people who are already doing it. We want to welcome you to that new world – into a community where people are finding and doing work that they love. Join us in building that culture and that community, share your wildest dreams, get fired up and committed to make it happen and dent the world.
"We Don’t Do Things For The Money - We Believe In Everything We Do"
Live Your Legend is a community evolving around the site/blog http://liveyourlegend.net build by Scott Dinsmore - I recommend you to visit this website to get access to many free tools and input for working on clarity, vision, connecting and building momentum by showing up, overcoming fears, finding focus and getting s**t done.
For more info on the Live Your Legend Community, please read this.
About the host
Anders is a member of think.dk and local organizer of the Live Your Legend community.