~~~ English below ~~~
Vi har glædet os meget til at annoncere denne spændende nyhed. Et fællesskab er ved at få vinger, med regelmæssige events i København for folk med interesse for psykedelika.
Vores vision er at skabe et rum hvor folk der har dyppet sine fødder i sindets forsvundne kontinenter - eller blot er nysgerrige - kan mødes, snakke om syrede oplevelser og indsigter, grine, græde, hygge, få nye bekendtskaber og lære mere om den psykedeliske verden.
Vi håber på som udgangspunkt at kunne mødes en gang om ugen, hvor hver aften er centreret omkring et event under det psykedeliske flag: Oplæg, integrationscirkler, debatter, filmaftener mm. Der er selvfølgelig stadig plads til hygge og snak både før og efter.
Initiativet sker i samarbejde med Psykedelisk Samfund og facebook-gruppen Psykedelisk Fællesskab. Vi har
desuden allieret os med organisationen think.dk, der har fundet et nyt og lækkert tilholdssted i Kulturhuset Indre By.
Initiativet sker under den nye fane: Psykedelisk Samfund København.
Du inviteres til første arrangement 1. oktober, 2020, hvor vi byder velkommen og introducerer det nye fællesskab. Vi åbner dørene kl. 19. Programmet er ved at blive fastlagt, men byder på et relevant oplæg, introduktionscirkel og tid til snak og hygge.
Hvis spørgsmål haves til dette arrangement, så kontakt: psk@psykedelisksamfund.dk
Arrangementet er åbent for alle, men muliggøres af donationer på aftenen til at dække udgifter til lokale o.a. Anbefalet donation: 50 kr.
Det understreges at indtagelse eller handel med ulovlige substanser ikke tolereres til disse begivenheder. Vores fokus er på at skabe et trygt socialt og informativt forum.
Farverige og kærlige hilsner fra
Psykedelisk Samfund København
The Event
Hoffman's Cheerleaders is a community-based initiative in Copenhagen for people who share an interest in psychedelic substances. We intend to create an atmosphere of openness, love and humility where people can meet and talk, learn, share, laugh, cry and make friends. It will be a project recurring every other thursday. There will be psychedelic integration circles, movie nights, lectures and more. It is free to attend, but we do appreciate donations to keep it going. No intake or selling of substances are allowed at the event. We believe that psychedelics, if practiced responsibly, can bring healing, insight and a humanity more closely connected to the living planet. These sacred plants are pregnant with Gaian intentionality. They are the pipelines into the organic collectivity of planetary life. The divorce from this Gaian connection is what has caused this current critical predicament in which we find ourselves, and both humanity and nature have suffered greatly because of it. Having severed this shamanic spiritual connection to the living nature, depression, meaninglessness, existentialism and disconnection have been spreading like wildfire. We no longer remember what we have lost, we simply have an ache we can’t get rid of, and unrelenting pleasure-hunting has taken the place of shamanic ritual practice. We can, however, not continue to accept feel-good philosophies of unbridled hedonism as the holy grail of social organization. We believe that a space like this will contribute to opening people’s eyes to the extraordinary potential of these sacred plants and thus revivify a healthy partnership between man and nature.
The Hosts
We are three people behind this project. First man onboard our ship is Martin Kufahl, chairman of Psykedelisk Samfund, which is an organsation that works for safe and responsible integration of psychedelic substances for the benefit of individuals and societies. Martin has facilitated several psychedelic integration circles and meetings in which experiences were shared and questions answered in a social and safe environment. Next man on the ship is Rasmus Rekyl Jørgensen who is founder of the Wake collective which is a team of therapists, teachers, artists and psychologists that strives to inspire, inform, experiment, spread joy and bring on the change they want to see in the world. Rasmus has many years of experience in hosting integration circles, ceremonies and events, especially in arts and music. Finally, last man aboard the ship is another board member of Psykedelisk samfund, Christian Funder who is a teacher, philosophy enthusiast, psychedelic author and believer that these sacred plants, if practiced with respect, love and humility can act as pipelines to the long-lost Gaian mind of the living planet from which we have so much to learn.
Registration and Details
If you wish to attend, then we advice youth the facebook event: "PS København Kick-off" posted in the "Psykedelisk Samfund" facebook page. The event is free and donation based. Kontaktinformation: psk@psykedelisksamfund.dk