What would your life be like if your basic necessities were all met?
In this expert constellation we will be exploring the positive and negative consequences of having free access to water, electricity, education, healthcare, public transport, telecommunication, internet and basic banking.
How will our behaviour patterns change, when we have free access to these basic necessities? What level of countermeasures, if any, is needed to prevent abuse of such a privilege? Which level of service are we better off with – one that leaves plenty – or little room, for paid alternatives?
The StopButton (Stopknappen) is a new framework for society. It defines a new democratic state, where stress and financial pressure has been replaced with freedom of choice – and time to act on it. The framework has been designed to enable us to take a huge leap forward in societal evolution and enable us to respond properly to the challenges of the near future (climate change, armed conflicts, refugees, inequality, corruption, AI, etc).
About the event
The Expert Constellation is a new kind of workshop in which the Systemic Constellation Method is used to unfold an expert's vision - live and on the floor! This happens with the help of the workshop's participants who will act as live representatives of different aspects of the scenario.
This is a brilliant, alternative way to get to know a concept inside out as you will not only gain a better understanding but an actual bodily and emotional experience.
At the same time, it is an amazing tool for the expert themselves to develop their vision and get to understand it from new angles. Not for nothing, the Systemic Constellation Method has been described as a tool of "real-time problem-solving".
About the Hosts
Martin Kæstel Nielsen is the Co-Founder of think.dk. He describes himself as ideologue, developer, writer and (r)evolutionary in spe. His need to challenge the norm precedes his sense of obedience.
He believes that the competitive society model is inhibiting innovation. When winning is the primary goal, we all lose. If we are to overcome the burdens ahead, we need to work together and share our knowledge. We need to dare to do things differently.
Beate Willma has been offering workshops in Systemic Constellation at think.dk since 2017. She is a multi-trained Coach and Facilitator of the Systemic Constellation Method, with which she fell in love the moment she met it. She facilitates individual clients and groups through beatewillma.com and workshops on money constellation at isfo.dk.
When she doesn't work as a coach and facilitator, Beate walks her talk as a musician, conductor and producer of new classical music.
Registration and Details
This workshop is all free!
Please register at https://www.meetup.com/think-dk/events/267875736