A picture is a thousand words, yet most of our discussions are still verbal. If we want to work together towards sustainable change, we have to use methods that are inclusive, collaborative, and supportive of creative thinking. In this series of Collaborative Visual Thinking workshops, you will learn what visual thinking is, why it is useful, and how it can be employed. We do this by discussing important contemporary issues, to better understand the complexity of these problems. In the workshop, everyone is invited to draw out their ideas, so that it becomes easier to create a shared language for imagining a more sustainable future together.
The workshops deal each with a specific topic that will be analysed through the lens of social, economic and environmental sustainability, such as: the pandemic, systemic racism, social media & fake news, climate change, overpopulation, space exploration and the impact of tourism, among others. The workshops consist of two parts: we start with understanding in more depth what visual thinking is and practise various drawing styles (each workshop deals with a different aspect of visual thinking); then we use these new skills to engage in a visual discussion, by sharing what we know, by formulating challenging questions, and by drawing out the complexities of the problem to understand how a more sustainable approach could be taken.
Through this workshop I offer you:
You will feel comfortable sketching out your ideas, which can be used in any type of meeting, whether you are studying, working in the public or the private sector…people will love to see a different approach!
You will feel better informed about contemporary issues, and through the process of active listening and sharing, you will gain insights into different perspectives, and learn to think critically.
You will meet like-minded people with whom you can continue to work or collaborate together, or just feel part of a community of people with shared values.
About the Facilitator
Agnieszka Mlicka is a visual facilitator, educator and community-builder, with a background in Fine Art & Architecture. She founded Visual Agency to offer workshops and courses that stimulate curiosity, creativity and collaboration through visual communication.
Agnieszka has a BFA in Fine Art from the University of Oxford, an MA Painting and 6 years of PhD research from the University of the Arts London. She has a Postgraduate Certificate of Special Study in Supporting Learning, and taught as guest lecturer in art and architecture departments at universities in Florence and London.
Agnieszka has published about her collaborative visualisation method in peer-reviewed journals, and presented at over 10 international conferences. She has exhibited her artworks internationally in over 36 exhibitions, with paintings in private and public collections. She has previously lived in Italy, the UK, the Netherlands and Poland, before making Copenhagen her home.
Registration and Details
Tickets are 180 kr. (50% for think.dk members: 90 kr.).
There are 2 payment options:
1) MobilePay directly to Visual Agency (recommended)
MobilePay: 53 83 41 70
Name: Agnieszka Mlicka
Add comment: 08.11.2020 + your email address
2) Online card payment through think.dk (with an additional card and service fee, which is not refunded in case of cancellation of the event by the organiser).
07-11-2020 at 12:00
Meeting Room 1 (1st floor)
think.dk @ Culture House Indre By
Charlotte Ammundsens Pl. 3
1359 Copenhagen
The workshop is 2.5 hours.
There is a maximum of 8 places available.
The workshop is held in English.
It is very important to come on time, as we start punctually and have a very full programme.
Visual Agency is taking the infection risk very seriously, and while we will be working in small groups, we want to make sure to take several other precautions to minimise the risk.
We greet each other in Thai style, and make sure that we keep a social distance to one another while working around the large table. The large meeting room has a good ventilation system which will be turned on. You are welcome to wear a mask and/or visor, if you wish. Washing hands before and after the event is advised. As we will be using shared markers, there will be hand gel available to disinfect your hands during the event - make sure not to touch your face after using the markers. Your help in keeping everyone safe is much appreciated!
If you have any Covid-19 related symptoms, please stay at home and get in touch with the facilitator as soon as possible to cancel your attendance: info@visualagency.org.
www.visualagency.org and www.facebook.com/visualagency
------------------------ PÅ DANSK ------------------------
Et billede er tusind ord, men de fleste af vores diskussioner er stadig mundtlige. Hvis vi ønsker at arbejde sammen mod bæredygtig forandring, er vi nødt til at bruge metoder, der er inkluderende, samarbejdsvillige og understøtter kreativ tænkning.
I denne række workshops i “Samarbejde via Visuel Tænkning” lærer du, hvad visuel tænkning er, hvorfor det er nyttigt, og hvordan det kan anvendes. Vi gør dette ved at diskutere vigtige samtidsemner for bedre at forstå kompleksiteten af disse problemer. I workshoppen opfordres alle til at trække deres ideer ud, så det bliver lettere at skabe et fælles sprog for at forestille sig en mere bæredygtig fremtid sammen.
Workshopperne beskæftiger sig hvert med et specifikt emne, der analyseres gennem linsen af social, økonomisk og miljømæssig bæredygtighed, såsom: pandemien, systemisk racisme, sociale medier og falske nyheder, klimaændringer, overbefolkning, udforskning af rummet og turismens indvirkning, blandt andre. Workshopperne består af to dele: vi starter med at forstå mere dybtgående, hvad visuel tænkning er og øve forskellige tegningsstile (hver workshop beskæftiger sig med et andet aspekt af visuel tænkning); så bruger vi disse nye færdigheder til at engagere sig i en visuel diskussion, ved at dele det, vi ved, ved at formulere udfordrende spørgsmål og ved at tegne problemets kompleksitet for at forstå, hvordan en mere bæredygtig tilgang kunne tages.
Jeg tilbyder dig i denne workshop:
Du vil føle dig godt tilpas med at skitsere dine ideer, som kan bruges til enhver form for møde, hvad enten du studerer, arbejder i den offentlige eller den private sektor... folk vil elske at se en anden tilgang!
Du vil føle dig bedre informeret om nutidige spørgsmål, og gennem processen med aktiv lytning og deling får du indsigt i forskellige perspektiver og lærer at tænke kritisk.
Du vil møde ligesindede mennesker, som du kan fortsætte med at arbejde eller samarbejde med, eller bare føle dig som en del af et samfund af mennesker med fælles værdier.
Om Facilitatoren
Agnieszka Mlicka er en visuel facilitator, pædagog og samfundsbygger med baggrund inden for kunst og arkitektur. Hun grundlagde Visual Agency for at tilbyde workshops og kurser, der stimulerer nysgerrighed, kreativitet og samarbejde gennem visuel kommunikation.
Agnieszka har en BFA i kunst fra University of Oxford, en MA-maleri og 6 års ph.d.-forskning fra University of the Arts London. Hun har et postgraduate-certifikat for specialundersøgelse i understøttende læring og underviste som gæstelektor i kunst- og arkitekturafdelinger ved universiteter i Firenze og London.
Agnieszka har offentliggjort sin samarbejdsvisualiseringsmetode i peer-reviewed tidsskrifter og præsenteret på over 10 internationale konferencer. Hun har udstillet sine kunstværker internationalt i over 36 udstillinger med malerier i private og offentlige samlinger. Hun har tidligere boet i Italien, Storbritannien, Holland og Polen, før hun gjorde København til sit hjem.